Lab 1: Setup Blog & Unity

1 min read

Setup your own Blog Like this

Generally follow this link

Install Hugo on macOS (Homebrew):

Type in console:

- brew install hugo

Register on Git

Create Page

- hugo new site sitename    
- cd sitename

Select Theme

- git init   
- cd themes   
- git submodule add themes/ananke 

Open config.toml in a text editor and add theme = “ananke”

Local test

- hugo server -D 

See http://localhost:1313/ in the browser.


  1. Add publishDir = “docs” to the config.toml
  2. Set baseURL = “” in the config.toml
  3. Got to the settings page of the repository and enable GitHub pages to use the docs folder docs

Some tips…

Useful tutorial links to follow:

One thing need to be careful: DON’T forget to modify the settings in GitHub settings docs

Also remind to read the theme’s readme If I want to modify the theme, go to

Write in Markdown grammar

Ways to update the pages:

rm -rf docs (optional) 
git add .  
git commit -m “something"  
git push origin master  

Setup Unity

Download Unity Hub from
Inside Unity Hub click Install on the right menu bar and add different version.
docs Then click Project to new a project!