IGD301: Human-Computer Interaction for Mixed Reality

This UE presents an introduction to Augmented/Virtual and Mixed Reality challenges from an Human-Computer Interaction Perspective. The class covers an introduction to fundamental concepts of AR/VR/MR and presents methods and techniques allowing to design and implement interactive applications. The class is accompanied by a practical hands-on implementation and evaluation of a Virtual Reality application developed in Unity3D. The class covers the following topics: History of AR/VR, Current technology enabling AR/VR and Human Perception, Challenge of Input, Challenge of Haptics, Interaction Design for AR/VR, Application Scenarios for AR/VR, Current Research Problems and Challenges from CHI, UIST, IEEE VR, ISMAR, SIGGRAPH.

Presence VS Immersive → Presence is about PERCEPTION → Immersion is about SENSATION Immersion can produce a sensation of Presence Vergence-Accomodation Conflict (Click to check the video) Some ideas… From VR fly simulation I can create a VR history tour? Ex. Based on 清明上河图?
1 min read
Idea you can gain from the class… HCI: Moore’s Law : Ex. Microwave No intuitive design, but have good design : intelligently leverages cognitive and perceptual abilities Ex. Tap Definition: History: VR : rise and fall and rise Homework Section 1 Two scenario describe that MR could cause problems for users. Based on VIDEO Hyper - Reality : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJg02ivYzSs Scenario 1: The adopted pet in the supermarket might bit the user if he doesn’t get what he want.
1 min read