IGR201b: Interactive 2D/Mobile/Web Application Development

This course presents tools for developing 2D interactive applications: Qt GUI toolkit (in C++), Android user interfaces on mobile devices, Web interface basics.See also: TP-INF203 (Web development), TP-INF224 (Programming), TP-IGR203.

Qt Lab #2: 2D Drawing Tool In this work, I completely finished a drawing application based on Qt toolkit by following all the instructions in Lab 2. The application has an interactive interface which allows users to draw multiple shapes in different colors, line styles and thickness, by clicking buttons or dragging sliders. Moreover, by clicking bottom buttons users can switch to editing part which allows users to select an existing shape and move, resize or change attributes of it.
4 min read
Qt Lab#1 : Qt Basic Source code: https://github.com/winsa24/-QT-BasicMenu
1 min read