INF203: Web Development

This course presents methods and techniques for developing dynamic, modern, robust, safe websites. Topics: Internet and the Web, basic Web languages (HTML, CSS, JavaScript), rich dynamic content, server-side programming and frameworks, client-side and AJAX frameworks, website security.

Lab: Javascript in the browser Exercise 1 - Get a file with AJAX and add its contents in the current HTML page Question 1a: Write a function named loadDoc that loads the file text.txt and includes it in the page when you click a button. function loadDoc(){ var texta = document.getElementById('texta'); var xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); if(xmlHttp != null){"get","text.txt", true);// 3 parameters (method, url, async) xmlHttp.send(); xmlHttp.onreadystatechange = function () { if (xmlHttp.
5 min read
Lab: Server Question 1: Using only the http module, in a file called server.js, write a JavaScript program that implements a web server on port 8000. The server shall return an HTML string confirming that the server works when you access the root of the server, that is, “http://localhost:8000/”. var http
2 min read
Lab: Web Application Questions 1 to 5: Client-side: create a button bar with “show txt”, “add element”, “remove element”, “clear” and ”restore”. The actions of these buttons
6 min read