Created a currency converter which allows users can get the product of two entered number. Created a searching engine which allows users to filter the list with student name or module name. Created a space shooting game based on the animations and functions.
Created a currency-converter based on Android Studio. The users can enter different amount and select types of convert. The app will automatically read the rate from a given URL, and update the result on the interface immediately.
Created a simple drawing application based on Qt toolkit (which I’ve tried to use in the Course Design of Data Structures in my undergraduate study). The application has an interactive interface which allows users to draw multiple shapes in different colors, line styles and thickness, by clicking buttons or dragging sliders. Users can also select an existing shape and move, resize or change attributes of it. It also allows users to read or save the images.
Visualization Recommendation System This subject designs and implements a set of visualization scheme recommendation system. The system is oriented to data analysts whose requirements are not clear and who do not have professional programming capabilities. Through simple interactions, the system generates a series of visualization solutions that meet users’ needs. The design of the system is based on the actual analysis of visual element properties, attributes and real cases. By separating its data, properties and attributes, the corresponding relationship among them is studied and defined, and the model is established accordingly.
SmartHome WeChat Mini Program A software that can remotely, link and manage smart devices at home, and has security alarm and device self-checking functions. To meet the remote control of the equipment, it can control the equipment to realize the corresponding function or make the corresponding response to change the indoor lighting, temperature and other environmental conditions before returning home. It can realize the security alarm function, detect the parameters of the sensor equipment, realize the timely alarm of abnormal conditions, and ensure the health of family members and the safety of property.